Antiracist Glossary for Education and Life

Pokhrel, R., Muhammad, M., Jimenez, J., Green, C., Felber, S., Claybourne, C., Atkins, W., & Arendale, D. R. (2021). Antiracism glossary for education and life. Journal of College Academic Support Programs. 4(1), 75-92. ERIC database (EJ1349625). <> University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy <>

To create an antiracism glossary, a team of scholars from Colleagues of Color for Social Justice (CCSJ) identified and defined 48 terms relating to racism and antiracism based on a careful review of existing race-related glossaries, scholarly articles, and widely-read books on the topic. This glossary of terms illustrates the daily and pervasive nature of racism that people of color experience and fills a demonstrable gap in resources of this type for college learning assistance centers and programs. The purpose is to recognize and explain terms related to attitudes, behaviors, and policies that impact people’s lives, particularly within academia. The glossary lists the terms in alphabetical order with multiple definitions from various resources and easy-to-understand examples drawn from personal lives, communities, and professional experiences in educational settings.