Socio-Emotional Learning Resources
The following resources address the federal competitive preference for socio-emotional learning. These resources contain general guidelines and could be applied to GEAR UP and TRIO Programs. These are only a sample. Commercial vendors are included in the list but are not specifically endorsed by EOA or the editors of this website. If you have some that might be useful to add to the list, send them to
A review of instruments for measuring social and emotional learning skills among secondary school students by Joshua Cox, Brandon Foster and David Bamat IES Regional Educational Laboratory Program. <Download the tool> <Watch the video> The purpose of this resource is to support state and local education agencies in identifying reliable and valid instruments that measure collaboration, perseverance, and self-regulated learning among secondary school students. This resource, developed by the Regional Education Laboratory Northeast & Islands in collaboration with its Social and Emotional Learning Alliance, presents social and emotional learning instruments and the reliability and validity information available for those instruments.
Shifting the current school climate: Sense of belonging and social and emotional learning. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. <Click to download> Often, conversations about social and emotional learning (SEL) focus on what students bring to the table and how they can increase their SEL skills. However, SEL is just one of many factors that affect students’ social, emotional, and academic well-being. When we emphasize only students’ capacities and characteristics, we may overlook the equally important influences of school climate; a sense of belonging; and adults’ attitudes, actions, and behavior.
Washington social and emotional learning capacity building series. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory and Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. <Click to download> a series of training to strengthen SEL planning and implementation in districts and schools across Washington state. The training is designed to help educators.
Social and emotional learning coaching series guide. Northeast Regional Educational Laboratory and Islands Social and Emotional Learning Research Alliance. <Click here to download> The materials in this document are based on five virtual coaching sessions coaching that REL Northeast & Islands provided to Massachusetts school district leaders over a period of one year. The slide presentation, exercises, and worksheets have been adapted as needed to meet the needs of self-guided learners. Practitioners who did not have the opportunity to attend the SEL Coaching Series can use this guide to familiarize themselves with the content of the series. Alternatively, participants who attended all or part of the coaching series can use this guide to refresh their understanding of how to identify, select, and implement evidence-based SEL interventions.
Resources for SEL. Maine Department of Education. <>
Resources on SEL and Student and Educator Mental Health, National Education Association. <> Research shows that SEL is the foundation of academic success and is even more critical during times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that addressing mental health must become a priority in our school communities--for students, teachers, education support professionals, and other educators alike. The following resources developed by NEA offer strategies for educators to manage stress, practice self-care, and build SEL skills with their students.
[Free videos] CASEL: The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, YouTube Collection of 200+ videos, <> From the CASEL web page: “CASEL is the nonprofit that founded the field of SEL. For 25 years, CASEL has been the world’s leading organization and trusted source for quality SEL, an approach to education where students develop the ability to understand themselves, build healthy relationships and make good decisions - whether they are in math class, on the playground, or in the hallway. CASEL collaborates with thought leaders and partners with districts and states to help schools best support children to be as healthy and successful as they can be.”
[Vendor webpage] RethinkED, Social and Emotional Wellness. <> Create safe school climates that support the well-being of educators, staff, and students through on-demand Social and Emotional Learning professional development for adults.
90+ Free SEL Activities, CenterVention. <> As you will see below, many of the SEL activities and lesson plans include characters from our game-based, social-emotional learning interventions. And if you are using, or plan to use online games, these activities will reinforce the learning that occurs during gameplay. Note: You may reproduce or reuse these lessons with students via other platforms like Google Classroom as needed, and if appropriate, please share this page on your school website so other educators may also benefit. We add new lessons on a regular basis, so make sure to check back frequently.
[Vendor Webpage] Move This World, <>
The Emotion Motion Podcast. <> The Emotion Motion Podcast®️ takes listeners on a journey through storytelling designed to engage children, their families, and their teachers in movement and creative expression. Episodes include opportunities to put your emotions in motion through play and movement while practicing skills like empathy, self-awareness, regulating emotions, mindfulness, and more! As seen in CNN, the Wall Street Journal, eSchool News,, winner of The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, and recipient of the Mom’s Choice Award. The Emotion Motion Podcast is included on The Kids’ Listening Club list of Healthy You recommended podcasts, curated by Common Sense Media for Apple Podcasts and ranks in the top 2% of global podcasts according to Listen Notes. Follow The Emotion Motion Podcast®️ on Instagram and Facebook for more fun!