Information Categories in this Website
Our online program manual contains practices developed by GEAR UP and TRIO professionals that work for their students. Select from the submenu on the left for practice categories. At the top is a link to the last published directory of these practices.
We offer two types of practices through this Clearinghouse.
The first are those that have undergone external evaluation and were approved by an expert panel. They are called "Education Practices" in this section of the website. You are invited to submit an education practice to be evaluated. Click on the following link for more information. <Click this link>
A separate collection of practices are located in the "Library Resources" section. GEAR UP and TRIO professionals have successfully used them with their programs. If you have items to contribute to this Clearinghouse, send them to as a PDF or Word document. Click on the following link for more information. <Click this link>
“This website is useful. I found ten practices for serving first-generation college students. I also looked at one on teaching writing. It’s easy to pick and choose which practices you want to find out more about. I also like how the best practices offered included very detailed information about implementation.”