Assessment and Evaluation

An External Expert Panel validated these practices for effectiveness. They were contributed by GU/TRIO professionals who used them successfully in their programs. You are invited to do the same. Go to this website's “Share” section to learn how to submit a practice and receive help. If we all share, this will become a more powerful online program manual for the community.

Post Assessment Evaluation Tool for EOC Programs Wichita State University (KS) (approved Promising Practice 9/25/13) 

There is a perennial need to develop assessment tools for TRIO program services in general and Educational Opportunity Centers (COE) program services in particular. The post-service assessment tool for an EOC program is designed to help EOC staff and administrators to use a generic tool and collect relevant evaluation data to assess and seek improvement in the quality of services. The goals of this practice is: 1) to develop a generic quantitative survey-based tool to assess service efficacy; 2) to measure the self-reported learning outcomes of the EOC services; 3) to assess the efficacy of the EOC staff in providing these services. 

<Click on this link to download the above education practice.>


Evaluation Tools for a Study Abroad Program.  Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) (approved Administrative Practice 10/31/16)  

This administrative best practice uses the learning experience in Spain during 2014 as the case study for using the evaluation tools described in this document.  In the study abroad excursions to South Africa and Costa Rica, student confidence levels were measured through pre and post evaluations which ultimately revealed that 100% of participants increased in confidence in the following areas: navigating through unfamiliar environments, cross-cultural communication, knowledge of their discipline in a global context, ability to perform a job in a global context, and ability to make a difference in the world, among others.

<Click on this link to download the above education practice.>