Disability Services Practices
An External Expert Panel validated these practices for effectiveness. They were contributed by GU/TRIO professionals who used them successfully in their programs. You are invited to do the same. Go to this website's “Share” section to learn how to submit a practice and receive help. If we all share, this will become a more powerful online program manual for the community.
Access College Today Program. Wichita State University (KS) (approved Promising Practice 9/25/13)
The Access College Today Program provides students with disabilities during their junior or senior year of high school a customized field trip to Wichita State University where they learn what they need to do for a successful transition from high school to a postsecondary institution with special attention to the needs of students with their needs. This approach is unique among the common campus tour offered by most colleges for similar students. The goals of the ACT program: 1) expose high school students with disabilities to a four-year university, 2) learn what is required to be admitted to college, 3) learn about financial resources available to eligible students for college, 4) learn of services available to them at the university based on their needs as a student with a disability, and 5) meet current or former college students and learn of their experiences at college.
<Click on this link to download the above education practice.>
Tutoring for Students with Disabilities. Wichita State University (KS) (approved Promising Practice 10/15/13)
TRIO DSS tutors are trained to work with students with disabilities, whether the disability is physical, psychological, neurological, or other. Their training includes workshops on different types of disabilities and how to work with students with disabilities in individual situations. Tutors are given the student’s learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or a combination) and work with their learning styles, adapting their tutoring methods to match their learning methods. The tutoring program model of student academic support assists students with disabilities at the college level pass courses in which they face academic hardship due to their disabilities. It also helps them move toward their goal of a four-year degree while experiencing new and innovative learning strategies.
<Click on this link to download the above education practice.>