You are invited to share your practices that have worked successfully with your TRIO or GEAR UP program. Most professionals share "Library Resource" materials such as program manuals, worksheets, activity forms, etc. Send it to us as a PDF or Word document and we will post them with an attribution to your host institution.
Some professionals want to spend more time with describing their education practice. We are available to be a resource as you share your story. Those are labeled "best practices" in the EOA directory and website. If you are interested, the first step is to contact Dr. David Arendale, manager of the EOA Clearinghouse. Email or call David at (612) 812-0032.
A Word document template is provided in the left column to download and begin writing. Much of the information needed is already available in your recent grant submission, Annual Performance Report, institutional annual reports, brochures, curriculum guides, program manuals, and other documents you already have.
““Identify something in your program that is innovative and consider submitting it as a best practice. It needn’t be a large service or event. It could be something small that has proven to be sustainable and effective over time.””